
Movie Screening: DerDer Paintball Progression

Just watched an oldie but a goodie. DerDer Paintball’s Progression. Good flick. If you look around the interwebs you might even be able to find it for free. I'll be screening some more movies (paintball related of course!)


Play Fast-Paced Paintball Online With Digital Paint

I've been playing Greg Hastings Paintball 2 as result of a leg injury and its just stupid fun and today I ran across this in my Google Reader. I haven't installed it....yet. Read about it in the link or download it direct  at Digital Paint. 


eBay Flakes

So out of the 4 guns I've sold or tried to sell. I have two flake buyers on ebay. Luckily someone still snatched up the Invert Mini after the first buy flaked out. But now I'm dealing with another flake buyer on the Angel A1 Fly Joy Division. So needless to say its still for sale....Make an offer.

Angel A1 Fly Joy Division